Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Tagged – Sixth of the Sixth

I have been tagged by Chethana Aachar. The following paragraph tells what this being tagged is all about.

Here are the rules:
1.pick the 6th picture from your 6th photo folder (on your desktop/laptop).
2.tell the story around it.
3.pass it onto 6 other people you like.

Well, before I post the 6th picture from my 6th picture folder, I must tell this. The thing is, I did not find even a single picture there! What do I do now? I found a work around for this situation. Interestingly, the 6th of my picture folders contained another folder :). So, the 6th picture from it is what you see below. Well, please do not take the pain to appreciate my photographic skills. Just read on , and Tag on (remember the rules!).

Sudhi had given his new D300 to me. Yes! The brand new D300, in my hands! The reason why I have taken extra care to put all these punctuation marks is, lot of people gave me a surprised look at this. Now, where would generally any person aspiring to be a photographer would try his new camera in Bangalore? Yes, in Lalbhag. oh.. what? Did you just say Cubbon Park? May be. Now, I wanted to shoot pictures and so I went to Lalbhag on this early morning, instead of my usual jog. Now, I hardly knew to change any settings on this camera. I tried calling him up, but that nocturnal wouldn't care to wake up and answer me. So, I tried in all possible ways, and some how figured out how to change few settings like, ISO, exposure, white balance, aperture etcetera. Those who would have used other DSLRs , would be at ease with this. Then, there I was, shooting pictures of all the things I saw. The trees, the violet flowers on the green lawn, yellow flowers in blue sky backdrop. I am not posting them here, due to earlier said rules.

Some how I had managed to change the white balance to sunlight, also managed to increase the warmth, and result was that all the pictures I shot appeared reddish, as though shot on planet Mars, just as shown in Star Trek kind of Hollywood movies. I saw this nice morning light falling on few of the people sitting on benches and tried to capture it. So, there it is.

I am not sure if I was supposed to tell a fictional story about this picture. What I just narrated is the real one. I tag the below 6 people:



Rohit Urs

Prashanth Urala



Lets see now what stories they would come up with and hope that one fine day, I would be tagged again!